Introduction to Git and GitHub

Session - Getting started with Git and GitHub

Zoë Turner

Configure Git

Configure and

usethis::use_git_config( = "github_name", # Make sure this matches your GitHub account = "" # Use the email associated with GitHub account

Check Git configuration

Ask for a situation report.


A lot of information will appear in the RStudio Console!

Git config (global)
• Name: <unset>
• Email: <unset>
• Global (user-level) gitignore file: <unset>
• Vaccinated: FALSE
ℹ See `?git_vaccinate` to learn more
ℹ Defaulting to 'https' Git protocol
• Default Git protocol: 'https'
• Default initial branch name: <unset>
• Default GitHub host: ''
• Personal access token for '': <unset>
• To create a personal access token, call `create_github_token()`
• To store a token for current and future use, call `gitcreds::gitcreds_set()`
ℹ Read more in the 'Managing Git(Hub) Credentials' article:
Git repo for current project
• Active usethis project: '/cloud/project'
ℹ Active project is not a Git repo



Adds .DS_Store, .Rproj.user, .Rdata, .Rhistory, and .httr-oauth to your global (a.k.a. user-level) .gitignore. This is good practice as it decreases the chance that you will accidentally leak credentials to GitHub. git_vaccinate() also tries to detect and fix the situation where you have a global gitignore file, but it’s missing from your global Git config.

Personal access token

  • Communicating with GitHub will require authentication

  • Instead of typing in your username and password each time, use a PAT (personal access token)

Create a PAT

  • To amend/delete existing tokens go to:
  • Give the token a descriptive name like connect-posit-github
  • Copy and also store this token somewhere (you won’t be able to see it again!)

PAT tokens on the cloud

  • These will get deleted automatically at regular intervals
  • For the purpose of the course this will need to be added a few times!

Store your PAT

When you use the following code you’ll get a prompt, copy the token with no quotes.


Deleting a PAT

If you are using the Cloud or want to delete the PAT from your system use gitcreds::gitcreds_delete()

Starting Git from an existing project

To make our project a Git repository, or ‘repo’ on our local machine we use


A word on R Projects

  • Git needs to be in an R Project to work in RStudio (it’s good practice to use them)
✔ Initialising Git repo
Error: Path 'C:/Users/zoe.turner/OneDrive - Midlands and Lancashire CSU/Documents/' does not appear to be inside a project or package.
Read more in the help for `proj_get()`.
  • The Cloud workspace is a project so already has the .Rproj file set up for Projects

Verbose feedback

√ Initialising Git repo
√ Adding '.Rdata', '.httr-oauth', '.DS_Store' to '.gitignore'
There are 2 uncommitted files:
• '.gitignore'
• 'git_project.Rproj'
Is it ok to commit them?

1: Yeah
2: Absolutely not
3: No

Changing selections

Choose the positive option (these change so might say I agree instead of Yes)

Initial commit

√ Adding files
√ Commit with message 'Initial commit'
• A restart of RStudio is required to activate the Git pane
Restart now?

1: Nope
2: Definitely
3: No
  • Choose the positive option (which changes!)
  • The save workspace option to .Rdata can be either no for this, more info at intro-r course
  • A new file for .gitignore will appear in the Files pane

Connect this to GitHub

To create a copy on GitHub


This will open up the GitHub page in your default browser

Message about ssh and https

If you get this:

✔ Checking that current branch is 'main'
Which git protocol to use? (enter 0 to exit) 
1: ssh   <-- presumes that you have set up ssh keys
2: https <-- choose this if you don't have ssh keys (or don't know if you do)

Choose 2 at the moment.

GitHub connected message in RStudio

ℹ Defaulting to 'https' Git protocol
✔ Setting active project to '/cloud/project'
✔ Creating GitHub repository 'Lextuga007/project'
✔ Setting remote 'origin' to ''
✔ Pushing 'master' branch to GitHub and setting 'origin/master' as upstream branch
✔ Opening URL ''

master or main?

The branch is called master here as default but conventionally people have moved to main To rename this branch:

usethis::git_default_branch_rename(from = "master", to = "main")

Details of where the change has occurred

  • This function changes GitHub (on the web) not your local project

Changing the branch name locally

Repeat the code and a different message appears

✖ It's weird that the current default branch for your local repo and the source repo are different:
  'master' (local) != 'main' (source)
Are you sure you want to proceed?

1: yes
2: no

This is our first insight into how Git sees local and remote as two separate things!

Set future default branches to main

This won’t affect other projects in the cloud but is useful on a computer


Updating historic repositories

If you want to update a lot of old repository default branches from master to main this can be done using a Shiny app built by Garrick Aden-Buie, Software Engineer for Shiny at Posit.

End session


These slides were designed by Mine Çetinkaya-Rundel and Emma Rand for the Forwards Package development module course

Your first package and Setting up your system

CDU Data Science Personal Access Tokens blog