Introduction to Git and GitHub

Session - Getting copies of existing repositories (fork and clone)

Zoë Turner

Existing repositories

All this course has been about you creating a new repository but what about collaboration with existing projects?

  • your own repository on a new computer (clone)
  • a repository from your team which you are a member (clone)
  • a repository from someone or somewhere that you don’t have rights to change (fork)
usethis::create_from_github(repo_spec = "nhs-r-community/r4ds-ed2-exercise-solutions")

Cloud specific folder structure

On Posit Cloud the project gets saved in `Cloud> home > r99999 (similar) > r4ds-ed2-exercise-solutions

The benefits of {usethis}

Using the function create_from_github() means that it:

  • Automatically checks if this would be a clone or a fork!
  • Automatically goes to the main working directory, mine is in C:/Users/zoe.turner
  • Opens up a new RStudio session

Clone (access) and Fork (no access)

Cloned message:

✔ Setting `fork = FALSE`
✔ Creating 'C:/Users/zoe.turner/r4ds-ed2-exercise-solutions/'
✔ Cloning repo from '' into 'C:/Users/zoe.turner/r4ds-ed2-exercise-solutions'
✔ Setting active project to 'C:/Users/zoe.turner/r4ds-ed2-exercise-solutions'
ℹ Default branch is 'main'
✔ Opening 'C:/Users/zoe.turner/r4ds-ed2-exercise-solutions/' in new RStudio session
✔ Setting active project to '<no active project>'

Forked message (will also appear in your GitHub):

✔ Setting `fork = TRUE`
✔ Creating 'C:/Users/zoe.turner/nhspy-plotthedots/'
✔ Forking 'nhs-pycom/nhspy-plotthedots'
✔ Waiting for the fork to finalize before cloning
✔ Cloning repo from '' into 'C:/Users/zoe.turner/nhspy-plotthedots'
✔ Setting active project to 'C:/Users/zoe.turner/nhspy-plotthedots'
ℹ Default branch is 'main'
✔ Adding 'upstream' remote: ''
✔ Pulling changes from 'upstream/main'.
✔ Setting remote tracking branch for local 'main' branch to 'upstream/main'
✔ Writing 'nhspy-plotthedots.Rproj'
✔ Adding '.Rproj.user' to '.gitignore'
✔ Opening 'C:/Users/zoe.turner/nhspy-plotthedots/' in new RStudio session
✔ Setting active project to '<no active project>'

Alternatives - Cloning in GitHub

Select the green button for <> Code and it will give you an option to clone

This course has used https and the copy button to the right takes the whole code

Screenshot of the GitHub code menu extended to see the Clone, Open with GitHub Desktop and Download ZIP options

Forking in GitHub - then needs Cloning!

Fork to your own repository and then Clone from there to your computer:

Screenshot of GitHub with the Fork link highlighted

In RStudio

With the copied HTTPS url, in RStudio you will need to start a new Project and use the third option (possibly ignored until now!) for versioning:

Screenshot of the 3 options wizard in RStudio for creating a new project

Posit Cloud is already a project!

  • Creating a project on the Cloud isn’t possible because it is a project
  • Even in RStudio it’s not possible to put a project in another project.

End session